One-Point Perspective: Landscapes

¡Hola artistas! Do you ever wonder how artists can make a drawing on a 2-dimensional paper look 3-dimensional? Well they use something called perspective to help them. Today we will learn what one-point perspective is and how we can use it to create a landscape drawing.

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This presentation and unit focuses on one-point perspective drawing. It has been broken into four 45 minute classes. The first two classes focus on using one-point perspective to create a landscape drawing. The last two classes focus on using one-point perspective to create a room drawing. During this unit students will discuss perspective drawing, define it as a method used by artists to create the illusion of depth within two dimensional art, examine artworks that use one-point perspective to create depth, explain how to set up a perspective drawing using a horizon line with a vanishing point, and create their own perspective drawings.

Featured Artists Include: Clementine Hunter, Gustave Caillebotte, Kadir Nelson, and more!

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